My Arcade 300 Games

My Arcade Gamestation 300 Games Reviews
MY ARCADE PIXEL Player Portable Handheld 300 Built-in Video Games+Data East Hits - $25.00. Portable gaming device with 300 built-in video games, including classic, beloved game titles from Data East that you can’t find anywhere else, such as Burger.

Get the following DreamGear portable game consoles from Amazon here: DreamGEAR Mini Retro Arcade Machine With 300 Video Games - DREAMGEAR My Arcade Portable Gaming Center with 220 Games - DreamGEAR Portable My Arcade Game Console with 220 Video Games - My Arcade Portable 220 Games B console - Our online store with similar products: Check us out on: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: Google+: I visited the DreamGear booth at E3 in Los Angeles and saw these really cool looking portable game systems. They all come with a couple hundred pre-installed games. They all require your standard run of the mill AA batteries to run and they all have nicely designed d-pads and 'A' and 'B' action buttons. The DreamGear Retro Arcade Machine looks like a mini arcade cabinet that was once a very common thing to sees in Arcades in North America. This particular model has illuminated controls and seems to be the successor to the DreamGear Retro Arcade Machine 200 (that had 200 games of course).