Same as in Windows 7, Windows 8, you will not see the Hyper terminal in Windows 10. While some devices still need the Hyper terminal to config them.
The solution: If you need the hyper terminal for your Windows 10 you can copy the hyper terminal files from Windows XP. There are 2 files from Windows XP for Hyper terminal: hypertrm.exe and hypertrm.dll. Located under folder: 1. Program Files Windows NT hypertrm.exe 2. WINDOWS system32 hypertrm.dll Copy those files, to the same folder in your Windows 10. Run the hypertrm.exe to launch the program. If you don't have Windows XP, I already put the files in my sky drive, you can download.
Windows XP HyperTerminal in Windows 10? I can't get hyper terminal to work using Windows 10. Thanks Did this solve your problem?