Resident Evil 6 Story
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Resident Evil 6 Story
Blending action and survival horror, Resident Evil 6 is a dramatic horror experience that cannot be forgotten. Now in high definition, the game offers multiple characters, including fan favorites and new faces, along with solo and co-op modes and new challenges for players, different from any other in the Resident Evil franchise. This edition includes all DLC, along with two costumes per main character, originally exclusively unlockable through, that are now unlockable through the game itself.
Resident Evil 6 Story Order
Submitted on 8/28/2016 Review title of KryptonianSon70It's playable It really isn't one of the series' best, but if you can put down your fanboy rage and open your mind then you can have fun with what RE6 offers. It actually DOES LOOK BETTER on the One whereas on the 360 it always looked real fuzzy and gritty. Also, one major improvement is the QTE's. Climbing the rope has never been so simple(Vets of Leon's campaign will get that). Be careful though, because it's rough on the controller sticks.