Play Street Fighter 4

Google Play Street Fighter 4

The first time I booted up Ultra Street Fighter IV I was met with the same familiar loading screen, the same familiar intro movie, and then the same familiar title scene: Super Street Fighter IV, a man shouted at me. Arcade Edition, he continued.
I stared at the screen with a furrowed brow and the same 45-degree head tilt a dog gives you when it needs steak or will die. I started worrying that I had entered a code wrong, or downloaded the wrong thing off of PSN before I noticed the small, silver emblem to the right of my screen, which stamped, almost in a whisper, Ultra. I’m not demanding a new game, which is good, because Capcom isn’t giving one. Subtlety isn’t exactly Street Fighter’s thing: there’s a green dude who can electrocute people with his body, fireballs that emanate from fists, and one impeccable flattop. But while Ultra Street Fighter IV isn’t exactly hidden, it sometimes feels like it: emblem aside, the key thing to clue me in that I was playing the new version was the addition of the game’s five new characters on the character select screen, their tiny faces disappearing into a crowd of 44 tiny boxes. I’m not demanding a new game, which is good, because Capcom isn’t giving one. Ultra Street Fighter IV is, ultimately, a handful of new characters, a plethora of balance changes, and a trio of new mechanics that, depending on where you are in the Street Fighter scene, will be totally unnoticeable or completely ruinous to your local arcade’s or online group’s meta. Prince sama anime.
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