Marvel Stole From Dc

Image Source: Appearing in and getting his very own solo movie in 2018, is one of the most unique DC superheroes ever due to his aquatic nature but it cannot be denied that he is not the first superhero to live under the seas. Two years prior to Aquaman’s comic debut, Marvel had an aquatic superhero of their own called Namor the Sub-Mariner. Apart from both being capable of aquatic adaption and commanding sea creatures, the appearances of the two superheroes are mildly similar. Black Lightning (Electro).
Image Source: DC has a long history of not covering up their tracks while committing a theft because when it comes to ripping off a Marvel character, the finished product is an obvious reminder of the original source and is no different. Just like Marvel’s Black Panther, the first name of DC’s Bronze Tiger is a color and the second name is a feline animal. From feline-like suits to excellent hand-to-hand combat skills, the two comic book characters are remarkably alike.

Things Marvel Stole From Dc
Jun 20, 2018 Don't forget to check out the mirror opposite of this video when it comes out on SATURDAY June 23 @ 6PM EST Top 10 Characters Marvel Stole from DC Subscribe: http.